Putting Our House Back Together, Pt. 3

This last month has been so busy, but we are finally back home! No, it isn't all done yet, but it is livable, and we were so desperate to be home again, that we're willing to live with the construction yet to be finished. 😊

The main living areas are complete--living room, bathroom, bedrooms--and our kitchen is slowly coming together. The floors are done, the walls repainted, and the kitchen cabinets and backsplash installed. We even got curtains in the bedrooms and living room hung this week!

The kids were excited to move back in to their own bedrooms, especially since they all got new beds. We'd been talking about upgrading the girls to a bunkbed to maximize floor space in their room, and now seemed like a good time. 

As for Tater, his bed (which dated back to my high school days!) fell apart when the movers tried to disassemble it, so his new bed was kind of a necessity! But as much as he loves his new bed, he still ends up in ours every night by morning time! 😂

The hangup in the kitchen is the open shelves. We have the brackets, but we can't find the wood we need for the shelves (something to do with a shortage, lumber not being shipped from Canada, some virus going around, same old, same old 😒😜😆). So even though my stove is installed, my pots and pans have yet to be unpacked which means I'm still doing a lot of cooking with the crockpot and Instapot. Que sera, sera! 

The good--wait, great--news is that my pantry is starting to look amazing! I'm so excited to finally have a room solely devoted to extra storage of kitchen supplies and equipment and NOT doubling as a laundry room. I know, I know, that is the norm for a great many households, but don't we all secretly wish the two were separate? And now mine are, and I am thrilled!

Since we've been back in the house, the vinyl guys came and replaced all the vinyl damaged from the storm and fixed the soffits all around the house, so the exterior work is all done.

In the last week, the focus has moved to the playroom and the addition. The playroom now has new flooring and paint and looks like a different room! 

Especially exciting for the kids is the wall of corkboard their daddy installed specifically for them to display their artwork!

The addition has been wired, plumbed, insulated and drywalled. 

Once the mudding and sanding are complete, we'll be able to finish the flooring and painting in there as well as put in the toilet and vanity. Let me tell you, we cannot wait for a working 2nd bathroom in this household! 😉

Lord willing, all the construction will be done by the time the summer is over, though who knows how long it will take me to finish all the unpacking and rearranging of furniture! 😄


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