Homemade Pancake Syrup

This morning when I asked the kids what they wanted for breakfast, Curly asked for pancakes...again. I'd put her off for several days, saying we didn't have the time, but since we weren't going anywhere today, I decided it was a good morning for it. But since she was the only one who wanted pancakes, I decided to make a big batch and freeze whatever was left over to be pulled out and warmed as needed in the coming week. In the process, I remembered that we were out of pancake syrup, so I quickly got out the ingredients and made some. 

Homemade pancake syrup is ridiculously easy to make, requiring only three ingredients: brown sugar, white sugar and water. Simply bring the three to a boil in a small pot on the stove, and it's ready! You'll know the syrup is done because when it comes to a boil, it becomes a clear, translucent brown--really pretty! You can use the syrup as is or add your flavoring of choice; some of our favorites that we've tried are maple, blueberry and orange.

I store our syrup in a pretty blue bottle we picked up at Pioneer Days at Ft. Toulouse several years ago, but you can use any bottle or similar container to keep it in. A funnel makes filling the bottle easy, and you just store it in the fridge so that it doesn't spoil. 

The best part of making your own syrup is you don't have to worry about lots of chemical additives, etc. that can be found in store-bought syrup, so in that sense, it's actually kinda healthy (it's still a lot of sugar 😉)! So the next time you run out of syrup for pancakes, don't run to the store in a panic; wash that bottle out and mix up your own batch of whatever flavor you want. I can just about guarantee--you'll never use store-bought again!



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